Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello, this is C# method. Who is Calling me?

And there was no easier answer other than going through the stack trace and scanning the frames yourself. Well this is just made easier in Visual Studio 2011 Beta and we will be discussing the same feature today. This provides a method details about the caller.

Why should I care?
It seems that you haven't been involved in chasing and tracing some weird flow in which your code is executed. This has always been a pain for most of us. Sometimes, the only option left is to write a bunch of Trace.WriteLine() with some text to identify the method. Then at the end of usecase, you look at the trace to find out exactly what was the flow of execution of your code. This feature is provided to further support this tracing, debugging and diagnostics.

What Information does it provide?
This is an optional details that you can add to all or some of your methods. With the new features, you can get the following information easily:
  1. The compile time path of the source file of the caller.
  2. Line Number in the source file where the method is called
  3. The name of member [Property or Method] of the caller.
How is this feature supported in the framework?
This feature is supported by providing new attributes in System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace in mscorlib.

How can I use them in my C# code?
These attributes are targeted for methods. We need to decorate the parameters with any of these attributes and the run-time would populate them with the relevant information as promised. This is built on top of another great C# feature. It is called optional parameters. This would have all the limitations of optional parameter i.e. these parameters must be the last parameters of the methods and they should have some default values assigned based on their types. CallerMemberNameAttribute and CallerFilePathAttribute may be assigned a string value. CallerLineNumberAttribute must be specified with some integer value.

Let's create a C# console application and update Program.cs as follows:

Here we have used all three of the newly available attributes in CallerInfoMethod definition. We are calling the method from within the same class from Main method. Let's run the application and see what it prints on the console.

Can I use more than One Attribute for a Parmeter?
I don't know why you would do that but you might be a bigger creative thinker than me. You might want to combine the information from those attributes. So to answer that, Yes you can use CallerFilePathAttribute and CallerMemberNameAttribute with the same parameter. They cannot be used with CallerLineNumberAttribute because of different data types. But the information is not combined instead, as I have noticed, CallerFilePathAttribute takes precedence and overrides CallerMemberNameAttribute. Let's update the same method as follows:

When we run the above code, we notice this override behavior:

Possible Improvement
I have seen most of the developers shooting down any and all ideas which involve System.Runtime.CompilerServices, and there is a reason for that. This is based on Microsoft's recommendation:

The classes in System.Runtime.CompilerServices are for compiler writers' use only.

I don't buy to this and clearly we use other things from the namespace too, like when unit testing InternalsVisibleTo is used very often. I think that it would be better if these new attributes are moved to System.Diagnostics instead. This should keep everyone happy.

Microsoft Zindabad!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fusion Log Viewer [Fuslogvw] for Assembly Binding Issues

This is the best advice you can give to an engineer.

"Remember, the better you know about your tools and components the better engineer you are."

It is the best advice I can give to anyone. One of the habit of highly acclaimed writing of Stephen Covey "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", he also includes one of the habit as "Sharpen your Saw". We get so much involved with our day-to-day activities at work that we don't realize that our saw is being rusted. If we don't keep it sharpened than it wouldn't be of any use after some time. After sometime, we might also cry "Who stole my cheese?". Actually nobody did... It's us who kept eating our cheese, lived our life in the comfortable zone and now the cheese is finished. We should have been on new adventures of exploration of new avenues of cheese building. There is no benefit crying over spilled milk.

Have you ever got this message when you try to launch an application? Clearly, it can't find one of the libraries is missing which is required for the application to start up. It can't find ClassLibrary1. Well, It definitely is a weird name for your library but still can't find it. But why? Where is it trying to load this assembly from? Why does it even need this? What other libraries it is using. There are several other questions you want to ask but can't answer. In order to better get the root cause of the problem and better troubleshooting, there are several tools to help. One such tools is Fusion Log Viewer [Fuslogvw].

Fusion Log Viewer provides details about assembly binding in a .net application. It works as an .net app assembly binding monitor. It can shows details about every assembly loaded in a .net application.

Installing Fusion Log Viewer
Fusion Log Viewer is not a separate install. It is rather a .net framwework tool which is installed with Visual Studio and Widnows SDK.

Launching the Viewer:
There are various options to launch the tool. First of all, we can launch it using Visual Studio Command Prompt installed with Visual Studio. Doing that, you wouldn't have to navigate to the folder containing the tool. Just type the name of the viewer and hit enter. It should be loaded for you. You can find Visual Studio Command Prompt from Windows Start up menu.

As you see above, it is important that we run the tool as administrator. If you don't like to hold your mouse like most developers then you don't have to right click the shortcut and select "run as administrator". Just type the name of application in Start menu and select it using the navigation UP / DOWN keys like you always do. Now instead of right clicking just hit CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER instead of just ENTER. You should see the following view of Visual Studio Command prompt.

Otherwise, It would launch successfully but it wouldn't allow us to see the binding details. It greets the user with greyed out options and gives no freaking idea about the cause of this hurtful behavior.

Running as administrator, it enables the options as follows:

Using The Viewer
After launching the viewer, the tool's setting would determine what kind of log do you want to see for assembly binding. You have the following options:
  1. Log Disabled: No logging for assembly binding.
  2. Login exception text: Logs minimum binding information to the disk.
  3. Log assembly binding failures: Generally used options. Logs in only those libraries which have binding issues.
  4. Log all binds to disk: Even those assemblies which don't have any binding failures.
Let's select to log only those bindings which have failures. Now we run an application which have some library binding issues. This should be logged as follows:

The number of entries in the list for an application would depend upon the number of assemblies which can not be loaded. If we had selected the option to log all bindings then an entry would represent an assembly loaded in an application.

Where are these logs created?
By default, these logs are created in Temporary Internet folders. It is also the recommended way because you wouldn't have to worry about cleaning this up. Alternatively, we can change the location in Settings view as follows:

Example Log
LOG: This bind starts in default load context.
LOG: Using application configuration file: C:\Users\shujaat\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\WpfTestProjcect\WpfTestProjcect\bin\Debug\WpfTestProjcect.exe.Config
LOG: Using host configuration file: 
LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.
LOG: Policy not being applied to reference at this time (private, custom, partial, or location-based assembly bind).
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Users/shujaat/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/WpfTestProjcect/WpfTestProjcect/bin/Debug/ClassLibrary1.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Users/shujaat/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/WpfTestProjcect/WpfTestProjcect/bin/Debug/ClassLibrary1/ClassLibrary1.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Users/shujaat/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/WpfTestProjcect/WpfTestProjcect/bin/Debug/ClassLibrary1.EXE.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Users/shujaat/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/WpfTestProjcect/WpfTestProjcect/bin/Debug/ClassLibrary1/ClassLibrary1.EXE.
LOG: All probing URLs attempted and failed.
So the run-time probes for the assembly and you have the above details.

Note: It is not just fusion log viewer which can give you details about the assemblies being loaded as part of an application. There are also other tools. Let's look at them briefly.

Visual Studio Modules Debug Window
When you are developing an application and want to know the details about the loaded assembly. Just go to the Debug Windows menu and select "Modules". It gives the details of all the loaded assemblies. So if you can't find an assembly which you think should have been loaded already then you have an issue. We can also load symbols of these assemblies to take debugging to the next level.

If you don't see an assembly which you think should have been loaded then there is definitely a problem.

Process Explorer
This is another tool which can help you in this regard. It is a Sysinternals tool which can give details about various details about a running process. It includes the details about the assemblies being used by the process.

If you are running the Process Explorer with Admin Privileges then you could see the associated assemblies used with the process.

Process Explorer is an important tool in the developer toolbox. This can be downloaded from sysinternals []

List DLLs
This is another sysinternals tool specialized for listing the dlls in a process. It is also needed to be launched as administrator. We can use "runas" for this purpose.

Obviously you need to have Secondary Logon Service running for this to work.

If you are already running something with credentials of other account than in that case Secondary Logon Service cannot be stopped. So don't get frustrated if you see the "Stop" option as disabled in Services.msc. Just close the other application and then the option would be available to stop the service.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Visual Studio 2010 Commands Cheat Sheet

I use Visual Studio Commands on everyday basis but couldn't find some one-pager cheat sheet which I could pin against my cubicle wall. It is created from the commands available in msdn here: []

You can download it here:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Handling Arithmetic Overflows in C#

In this post we will be discussing rather unknown feature of C#. This is related to the behavior of integer arithmetic in the event of overflow.

Compile Time Overflow Checks:
C# compiler checks for overflow of assignments and expressions involving only numerical literals. Let's see the follows:

If we build the project, we get the same error in the error list.

With decimal, the same overflow issue is reported as follows:

The situation gets interesting when the expression results are being assigned to a variable of a type which clearly can hold the value as follows:

Here "ticks" can clearly hold the result of the expression as it is a long type but since the members involved in the expression are default Int32, that is why, the compiler thinks that the result can not be computed without an overflow. In order to fix that we can clearly specify the types of members of expression as follows:

That is why widening conversions are implicit but we have to clearly state narrowing conversions. This could have easily worked if, in this case, we just had specified one of the operands involved as of long type. In a case like following, the types of the operands are promoted as the operand type which can hold largest value (if such implicit promotion) are allowed and then the operator (multiplication) is applied. This is also the type of result of such expression. In the following case, we are just updating one of the involved operands to be explicitly of type long. This fixes the compiler concern of possible overflow because of the operands type promotions.

Please remember that there are no such compile or run-time overflow checks for floating point numbers. As in the following example, this seems to be an overflow by assigning a value which is greater than the maximum value that the type can hold, but it compiles fine and there are also no run-time issues.

Overflows during Program execution:
Different numeric types have different behaviors at run-time if one of the operand is non-literal. Float never cause any issue when the expression is apparently resulting in an overflow. Decimal always cause overflow exception. These behaviors cannot be controlled.

Running the above code causes the following run-time exception:

Let's see if the behavior of integral types is the same. Let's write the following code and run it.

First, please don't pull your hair who have understood what seems wrong here. For those who missed, look at the above code again and see if this is a case of overflow. Isn't it? But why the exception is not generated? The above is really a case of overflow but it runs fine but the following is displayed on the console:

Basically this is the default behavior. Integral overflows don't result in overflow exception. Now we are going to discuss how we can change the behavior so that the integral overflows also result in exceptions.

Compiler Option:
C# compiler support /checked compiler option []. If we compile our code with /checked+, it would cause overflow exception for any overflow involving integer types. /checked- is the default behavior where overflow exceptions are not generated. Don't worry, you wouldn't have to go back to using command prompt to compile your code using csc.exe directly. Visual Studio IDE supports setting this. Just open the property window of a C# project and go to Build tab. Clicking Advanced button should open the following window. Here, through the specified check box, we can control the runtime behavior of integral overflows. If checked, an exception is caused at runtime.

Setting this option would affect code generation in such a way that an Overflow exception is generated in case of overflows. Let's check the above checkbox and run the code again.

Updating the above setting modifies the build configuration. CheckForOverflowUnderflow is updated as true for the configuration.

If we want to update this behavior for release as well then we can update the release configuration in the same way. We can also create a new configuration using Configuration Manager based on an already existing build configuration. []

Checked / Unchecked Keyword:
We can even control the behavior for each statement or a sub-statement scope. C# also supports introducing a smaller checked context for a single statement or statement block. Let's un-check the "check for arithmetic overflow / underflow" from project settings and update the code as follows:

Here we have defined the arithmetic expression under checked context. In this scope, any integral arithmetic overflow would result in OverflowException.

The counter keyword is "unchecked". If the project is set to check for integral overflow then we can define a scope with unchecked integral overflow as follows:

When we execute the above code then there is no reported overflow exception and the control just moves to the next line of code as follows:

Please remember that checked keyword doesn't affect code generation of nested calls. Like in the following code:

When we run the above code, although the summation seems to be causing an overflow and it is enclosed in checked scope, still the generated code would not include overflow exception support for this case.

It must also be noted that checked / unchecked contexts are only applicable to ++,--, - (unary), +, -, *, / operators. It is also applicable to explicit numeric conversion. So other operations,e.g. Shift, would not cause Overflow exception even if they execute in checked context no matter shift is used for multiplication.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Using RhinoMocks Partial Mocks with MSTest

In this post we will be discussing how we can use Partial Mocks to test our code easily and efficiently. We will using Rhino Mocks to create partial Mocks. Partial Mocks allow us to partially mock a concrete type. This allows us to test the other part of the type without worrying about unnecessary details of the type being tested.

Testing Abstract Classes
The first and foremost use of Partial Mocks can be with testing abstract classes. It allows the mocked implementation of abstract members which is used while testing other members of the type under test. Let's introduce an abstract class and see how it is conventionally tested. Then we will see how we can improve the testing experience with the introduction of partial mocks.

Let's create Visual C# class library project DrawingApp and add an abstract class, named Point, to the project. The definition of Point might be as follows:

A point has some position in space which is specified by CurrentLocation property. It can be moved to a new position using MoveTo() method. There might be some restrictions in moving the point to a new location. This can be taken care of by the specialized Point (derived class) using IsMoveAllowed() method. Here Coordinate is a type to hold Cartesian Coordinates of a point. We can define it as follows:

In order to test Point, let's introduce a MSTest project DrawingAppTest. Now we want to test MoveTo() method of Point. But the issue is that Point is an abstract type. Since abstract types can not be instantiated, we can not test MoveTo() method directly. The natural solution seems to be inheriting from Point and provide a dummy implementation of IsMoveAllowed() which always return true. This would make sure that MoveTo() is always called for testing purpose.

Before doing that we need to make sure that internals from DrawingApp are visible to DrawingAppTest. We can do this by updating AssemblyInfo.cs with the following:

Since TestablePoint is a subclass of Point so it would be using the same definition of MoveTo() as the base class here. We can simply use AAA [Arrange, Act, Assert] for testing MoveTo() as follows:

Here we are setting an arbitrary position of a point of the type TestablePoint. We are moving the location of the point by calling MoveTo() with a new Coordinate. Then we are verifying if the position has been successfully updated by checking the X and Y coordinates of current location. Let's run this if the test run is successful.

The test run is successful. We should be the happiest developers in the world. But wait! What if we have many abstract classes in our library. Using this approach would push us in inheriting all those types providing the definitions of all the abstract members. This doesn't seem right. Can this be improved? Hell Yes!!!

This situation can be improved by using Partial Mocks. Partial Mocks allow us to provide a dummy implementation of some members of a type so that other members might be tested. Rhino Mocks also supports partial mocks. We can set expectations on these mocks and specify what should be returned if the mocked method is called. RhinoMocks support creation of partial mocks using MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock(). We need to download it and add the assembly reference of RhinoMocks.dll in the test project. Let's update the test as follows:

As you can see that we are setting the expectation on pointMock to always return true. Then we are calling MoveTo() method. Finally, we are asserting that the point's location has been updated successfully. Partial Mock also supports verification that the method was called during the act. We can run the test again to verify if the test is successful.

We always need to set expectations on the abstract members, otherwise, this would result in failure when test is being executed. Here we commented out the expectation in the above test and see the result. If you run the test in Visual Studio then it would just show that that test is failed. You would need to debug the test if the test is being run in Visual Studio.

Testing Internal Types with Partial Mocks
There is a small change you would need to do in the above testing if the types are themselves internal. Let's update Point and Coordinate as internal and run the test again. You would see the following error:

Basically RhinoMocks create a dynamic proxy of the type providing the definitions of methods as provided in the expectation. For creating proxy, it uses other assemblies. There is a known fix for this issue. We just need to make sure that the internal types are visible to the assembly used by RhinoMock for generation of proxy.

Now run the test again. It should be successful.

Testing Non-Astract classes with partial Mocks
We might want to test non-abstract and concrete types with Partial Mocks. Here we specify mocked implementation of some members of the type and test other members. The members are generally mocked to keep the focus of test on a single method (atomic). We can do it to make the test more deterministic and run faster. In order to understand this, let's build on top of previous example. Here we are introducing a concrete point providing implementation of abstract member [IsMoveAllowed] of Point.

Here we needed to shadow MoveTo() member as we needed to notify to the service that the point is moved so that other users get notified about this move. Just assume that we just had this option to be calling NotifyMoveToService() when MoveTo() gets called. We are also adding a virtual member SaveToMemory() which is not used by MoveTo(). Now we need to test MoveTo() method for ConcretePoint type. Let's add the following test:

This is nearly like the previous test. Here we are testing that CurrentLocation gets updated when we call MoveTo() with new coordinates. We are creating expectations for the mocked object providing mocked implementation of NotifyMoveToService() as we don't want to hit the service every time we are running the unit test. We are also checking that IsMoveAllowed() and NotifyMoveToService() methods are called during test run making sure that SaveToMemory() hasn't been involved. Now let's run the test and get surprised!

So this is a failed test. But what is wrong??? In order to find that out we need to see the test result by right clicking the test and select "View Test Result Details".

It shows the following details:

When we check which particular it refers to be having issues then we find the following:

Hmm, so we cannot provide mocked implementation of non-virtual members. Basically to create partial mocks, RhinoMocks generates a dynamic proxy of the type under test. It then overrides virtual members on which the expectations are being set. Since non-virtual members can not be overridden, that is why, we have this issue. Let's change the definition of NotMoveToService() and make it virtual.

Now we run the test again and see if we are successful.

Happy Unit Testing!!!

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